Our Vision And Values
Our Vision
At Vantage Drilling it is our Vision to have “A Perfect Day–Every Day”. A perfect day at Vantage consists of three main items…
Our Values
Through the success of our PEOPLE will come the success of our company, shareholders and clients
Diversity is a key focus of our ESG efforts as it is a powerful attribute that many organizations aspire to achieve. At Vantage, the diversity of our workforce is a core part of who we are as evident by the 42 nationalities that comprise our workforce. Within our total population, 71% come from Asia, Africa, Middle East, Latin America and Eastern Europe. Additionally, 30% of our onshore-based employees are women. Our Management Team is also diverse with representation from 15 different nationalities. This strength in diversity will continue to be a fundamental part of our success in the future.
Corporate Governance
The success of Vantage Drilling is built on a foundation of trust, respect, integrity, and ethics, and these values should be evident in everything that we do. We are committed to maintaining the highest standards of ethics and integrity in all of our activities.

As a company with global operations and responsibilities, we are committed from the highest levels and throughout our organization to conduct our worldwide business ethically and in compliance with all applicable U.S. and foreign laws, including prohibitions against corruption.
Every employee, officer and member of our board of directors is expected to uphold Vantage’s commitment to ethical business practices and regulatory compliance. This means conducting business in accordance with the spirit and letter of applicable laws and regulations, and in accordance with ethical business practices.
Our foundation of integrity, ethics and respect is the core of our business success. Continued success relies on the dedication from everyone to these core principles. Working together, we must uphold and demonstrate the highest levels of business excellence and ethics that our customers, stockholders and employees expect from us.
The highest standards
Vantage recognises the importance of good corporate governance and behaviour and we are committed to upholding highest standards of business conduct. Our governance practices and documents are regularly reviewed by our Board of Directors and its Corporate Governance Committee. We understand that good corporate governance will strengthen confidence in Vantage and help to ensure the greatest possible value creation in the best interests of shareholders, employees and other stakeholders.
Committee Charters
Vantage conduct our operations in accordance with internationally accepted principles of good governance and best practice, whilst ensuring compliance with the corporate governance requirements applicable in the countries in which we operate.
Vantage Policies
As part of Vantage Drilling’s commitment to the utmost standard of compliance our policies can be accessed by clicking on the links below